[38]On the chronology cf.J.Longnon,‘La campagne de Henri de Hainaut en Asie Mineure en 1211’,Bull.de l’Acad.de Belgique 34(1948),447.
[39]At least Henry accuses him of this intention in a letter sent to the West from the camp at Pergamon on 13 January 1212,Buchon,Recherches et matériaux Ⅱ,211 ff.
[40]Acropolites 27.Cf.also P.Lauer,‘Une lettre inédite d’Henri I d’Angre,empereur de Constantinople,aux prélats italiens(1213?)’,Mélanges Schlumberger Ⅰ(1924),201;J.Longnon,op.cit.442 ff.and Empire latin 127 f.,though he appears to overstress the significance of Henry’s victory.
[41]Acropolites 28.W.Ramsay,Historical Geography of Asia Minor(1890),129 and 159;Gerland,Lat.Kaiserreich 218;Gardner,The Lascarids 84 ff.;Dolger,Reg.1684;Longnon,Empire latin 128 and op.cit.450 f.(who thinks the treaty was concluded at the beginning of December 1214)。
[42]Zepos,Jus Ⅰ,481 f.(=Tafel and Thomas Ⅱ,205 ff.);Dolger,Reg.1703.
[43]So the initulatio runs;the signature gives‘Grecorum’。
[44]Cf.Jirececk,Geschichte Ⅰ,296 ff.,who cites evidence in proof of this.D.Anastasijevic,‘Je li Sv.Sava krunisao Prvovencanog?’(Did St.Sava crown Stephen the First-Crowned?),Bogoslovlje 10(1935),211 ff.,asscoms that Stephen having been crowned by the papal legates was then crowned again by his brother Sava which in my view does not seem very probable.But Dj.S.Radojicic,ⅫCongrès Intern.dest.Byz.,Rapports compcomntaires,Belgrade-Ochrida 1961,102,returns to